
Pozharovzryvobezopasnost/Fire and Explosion Safety

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The fire-safe application of acoustic materials in cultural and entertainment buildings


Introduction. In theatre and concert halls, acoustic environments are created, among other things, by wall and ceiling panels, that have special sound absorption properties. However, modern materials demonstrating the required acoustic properties do not necessarily comply with effective fire safety regulations.
Aims and purposes. Modern acoustic panels, made of mineral fibers, are among the most effective ones in terms of sound absorption; they also provide wide opportunities for the high-quality design of auditoriums.
Despite the non-combustible basic component, high acoustic performance of such decorative items is attained thanks to a set of supplementary materials that have different chemical compositions, structures, physical and mechanical properties, which, in the aggregate, slightly reduce fire safety.
Due to the lack of fire safety requirements applicable to special materials that perform the function of sound absorption, their usability in auditoriums of buildings and structures is confirmed, as a rule, according to the standards that apply to traditional decorative and finishing materials. At the same time, the use of high-performance acoustic materials is problematic due to rather strict fire safety requirements for decorative and finishing materials designated for walls and ceilings.
The purpose of this work is to conduct analytical studies on the effective regulatory framework of the fire-safe use of acoustic materials, perform comparative experimental studies on the assessment of their fire-technical characteristics to study the feasibility of drafting proposals on their acceptable use on the premises and in the halls of cultural and entertainment facilities.
Results and discussion. Analytical studies were conducted to identify the most effective sound-absorbing finishing materials that feature lower fire hazards. They are mineral wool products made of glass fiber or stone wool. A set of fire hazard indicators, typical for acoustic decorative materials, made of mineral fibers, were subject to comparative experimental studies for the purpose of their legitimate fire-safe use in public auditoriums.
The co-authors found that the requirements, applicable to acoustic materials designated for walls and ceilings, can be issued as amendments to effective regulatory and technical documents on fire safety.
Conclusions. The co-authors proposed amendments to effective fire safety regulations in respect of the requirements applicable to acoustic materials designated for walls and ceilings of auditoriums.

About the Authors

N. I. Konstantinova
All-Russian Research Institute for Fire Protection of Ministry of Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters
Russian Federation

Nataliya I. Konstantinova, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Chief Researcher

ID RISC: 774306

VNIIPO, 12, Balashikha, 143903

N. V. Smirnov
All-Russian Research Institute for Fire Protection of Ministry of Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters
Russian Federation

Nikolay V. Smirnov, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Chief Researcher

ID RISC: 760804

12, Balashikha, 143903

A. V. Zuban
All-Russian Research Institute for Fire Protection of Ministry of Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters
Russian Federation

Andrey V. Zuban, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Deputy Head of Department

ID RISC: 774306

ResearcherID: AAB-9575-2019

Scopus Author ID: 55847911600

VNIIPO, 12, Balashikha, 143903

O. P. Zuban
All-Russian Research Institute for Fire Protection of Ministry of Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters
Russian Federation

Olga P. Zuban, Senior Researcher

VNIIPO, 12, Balashikha, 143903


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For citations:

Konstantinova N.I., Smirnov N.V., Zuban A.V., Zuban O.P. The fire-safe application of acoustic materials in cultural and entertainment buildings. Pozharovzryvobezopasnost/Fire and Explosion Safety. 2021;30(6):13–23. (In Russ.)

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